Title: ATP Environmental

ATP Environmental is an independent, locally owned business that has been operating from the Sunshine Coast, Australia, since 1997. We work closely with each of our clients to identify and achieve their specific environmental, aesthetic and resource needs. . We specialise in: •Flora & Fauna Studies •Bushland Rehabilitation Plans •Bushfire Management Plans •Sustainable Development, Planning & Design •Native Landscape Design •Forestry Design. We offer a complete service to our clients, providing support through the entire process from design and assessment through to liaison with council until approval is achieved. ATP also has available specialist bush regeneration teams able to implement regeneration plans and native landscape designs. | Website | Contact |

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Article: Australia1191 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:Queensland, :Australia:consultants, :Australia:contractors, :Australia:environmental, :Australia:forestry, :Australia:urban weeds, :Australia:non-chemical
Date: 3 April 2012; 10:35:24 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid