The Goat Industry Council of Australia is the peak national body representing the interests of goat producers. The Council’s objective and purpose is to represent and promote the national interests of Australian goat meat, fibre and dairy producers. GICA is funded from membership fees paid by full and associate members and from an industry allocation by the Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC). The specific objectives of the GICA are to: Represent and promote the interests of Australian goat producers; Function as a specialist goat industry organisation with concern for the livelihood of all goat producers; Carry out activities necessary for the betterment of the goat industry; Collect and disseminate information concerning the goat industry; Co-operate with appropriate organisations at the State level and overseas; Maintain a high level of liaison and co-operation with its Members, relevant Government departments and authorities at Federal and State levels, with local government, and with other relevant industry organisations; Promote the development of the agricultural and pastoral industry and resources of Australia. | Website | Contact |