Title: The Tasmanian Weed Society

The Tasmanian Weed Society is a public forum for anyone interested in weeds. You do not have to be a weed scientist or guru to be a member! Our objectives are to: Provide opportunities for those interested in weed management to exchange information and ideas based on research, experience and practice. Develop and provide published material as may be considered relevant to the achievement of the objectives. Promote a wider interest in weed management. Encourage the investigation of all aspects of weed management and the dissemination of findings. Establish and maintain a broad ranging membership of people interested and involved in reducing the economic, environmental and social impacts of weeds. The Tasmanian Weed Society be recognised as a leader for weed management issues.Co-operate and, where appropriate, affiliate with other organisations engaged in related activities in Australia and overseas. | Website | Contact |

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Article: Australia1408 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:Tasmania, :Australia:research, :Australia:education, :Australia:organisations, :Australia:industry, :Australia:community
Date: 5 June 2012; 12:50:56 PM AEST

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12