Title: Plant Health Australia

Plant Health Australia (PHA) is a peak national coordinating body responsible for plant health in Australia. PHA was formed in April 2000 as a non-profit public company to identify and coordinate activities to address current and emerging national plant health issues that impact on Australia's plant industries. PHA works with its members to coordinate and manage projects that enhance the ability of the Australian agriculture sector to effectively respond to the affects pests have on commercial crops. The organisation is working to develop a shared vision between government and industry to produce a more coordinated and effective plant health management system. | Website| Contact |

plant health logo.png
Article: Australia1668 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:all states, :Australia:research, :Australia:industry
Date: 11 September 2012; 7:14:01 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid