Title: Aust Care Environmental Services Pty. Ltd.

Aust Care is actively involved in the management of conservation and environmental areas throughout South East Queensland. Our clients and partnerships include local government and councils, commercial business and private landowners. Our qualified and vastly experienced staff implement a range of strategies and techniques to manage and control recognised weed issues including; mechanical and manual weed removal. Aust Care maintains a strong focus on activities that address issues threatening Australia’s native diversity. We actively participate towards the protection of our environment for now and into the future. | Website | Contact |

Article: Australia1672 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:Queensland, :Australia:environmental, :Australia:consultants, :Australia:contractors, :Australia:forestry, :Australia:aquatic weeds, :Australia:toolkit
Date: 11 September 2012; 10:10:34 AM AEST

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12