Title: Inovact Consulting

Inovact Consulting's purpose is to help individuals, teams and organisations adapt and succeed in a complex world. We work with a variety of organisations involved in environmental management, industry reform and economic development. We help organisations to achieve superior performance by connecting more effectively with external markets and stakeholders. Inovact Consulting offers a variety of services and proven expertise to help leaders and organisations understand their operating environment and become more effective in allocating resources and managing risk to get results. Specific areas of expertise are: natural resource management and water reform; industry and organisational development consulting; regional development and broadband and; international development. | Website | Contact | ${imageDescription} Facebook |

Article: Australia1678 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:consultants, :Australia:agricultural, :Australia:environmental, :Australia:aquatic weeds, :Australia:all states, :Australia:forestry, :Australia:urban weeds
Date: 11 September 2012; 10:53:26 AM AEST

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12