Title: Traction Software

Traction TeamPage makes it easy to communicate, work together, find what you need, and stay on top of what's happening in your business. TeamPage integrates action tracking, Twitter-style status, threaded discussion, collaboration, social networking, and deep search. TeamPage connects people, actions, what you create or find in TeamPage, the public Web, your company's intranet and your line of business systems. Traction offers an amazing search integration feature which many large vendors can't even come close to replicating. The platform itself is very intuitive and easy to use, everything extraneous seems to have been removed but without compromising the UI or the functionality of the platform. | Website | Contact | ${imageDescription} Facebook |

Article: Australia1681 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:all states, :Australia:toolkit, :Australia:information technology, :usalabels:all states, :usalabels:information technology, :usalabels:tool kit
Date: 11 September 2012; 11:30:44 AM AEST

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12