Title: Australian Agricultural & Environmental Solutions

Australian Agricultural & Environmental Solutions (AA&ES) has been established to provide high level agricultural and environmental consulting services to the Australian business community. We are proud to provide a professional service backed by immense industry experience whilst employing state-of-the-art solutions and industry best practices. We have particular expertise and experience in water treatment and utilisation, agronomy, pest management (including weed hygiene accreditations & weed hygiene equipment), environmental rehabilitation and arid agro forestry. Currently, our clients range from landholders, farmers, private companies, large multi-national mining and manufacturing companies to local and state government bodies. We are growing our business in the commercial, industrial and government sectors through exceeding our clients’ expectations for quality and service. | Website | Contact |

Article: Australia1730 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:consultants, :Australia:aquatic weeds, :Australia:agricultural, :Australia:environmental, :Australia:forestry, :Australia:urban weeds, :Australia:Queensland
Date: 19 September 2012; 1:16:36 PM AEST

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12