Title: Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Greenpeace’s long history in the Pacific began in the early 1970s, when founder David McTaggart sailed his yacht, The Vega to Moruroa in protest against nuclear testing in Polynesia. Since the 1980s, Greenpeace has campaigned extensively in the region establishing its first office in the Pacific (outside of Aotearoa/ New Zealand) in 1994. It now has bases in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. In the 1980’s and 1990s the Warrior lead peace flotillas to Moruroa and relocated the population of Rongelap island who were suffering health effects from nuclear fallout. The ship's crew also protested against nuclear waste transports through the Pacific. Today, in the Pacific, Greenpeace campaigns for sustainable fishing and to protect the ocean’s biodiversity, and works with local communities to oppose illegal and destructive logging and to develop eco-forestry projects in the Solomons and PNG. Greenpeace has also worked in the Pacific to eliminate toxic pollution and to prevent harmful climate change. | Website |Contact |

Article: Australia1760 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:all states, :Australia:community, :Australia:organisations, :Australia:education
Date: 2 November 2012; 1:04:03 PM AEDT

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12