Title: Rainbow Goats

Rainbow Goat helps property owners control the vegetation in a safe and eco-friendly way, by using high-density grazing with goats. Goats eat unwanted plants and invasive weeds such as privet, camphor laurel, wild tobacco, etc. Hiring a goat herd (and herder) is less expensive than fuel-guzzling machines and safer than cancerous chemicals​. Goats don't pollute and their faeces fertilises the soil. The herd currently has around 70-80 goats. With 2 waves of babies every year, the herd is growing fast, which means jobs will be completed quicker. Goats aren’t like other grazing livestock. Thorns and plants that cows and sheep don’t like are a delicacy for goats. Properly managed, goats choose the forbs (weeds) or woody plants 85% of the time, compared to 13% for grasses. Unlike bulldozers or sprays, goat grazing is an ecologically beneficial way to clear unwanted weeds or brush and promote the growth of native grasses. And when the goats are finished, they don’t chew up the land or leave behind synthetic chemicals that run into waterways—or into your drinking water. | Website | Contact |

Article: Australia1989 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:contractors, :Australia:urban weeds, :Australia:Queensland, :Australia:environmental
Date: 6 May 2023; 10:03:45 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid