Title: Weed Gunnel

Weed Gunnel is a permeable and degradable weed blocking fabric specifically developed for the Australian agricultural, landscape and organic industries. It boasts a number of key features that we believe are vital to its success as a first grade, organically registered weed control mat. During this time Weed Gunnel has been researched and developed in conjunction with our manufacturers, under the guidance of the CSIRO and Australian universities. The result is a fabric specifically suited to the Australian conditions and surpasses Australian standards for a product of this type. A weed mat that let's the water through - not weeds. Weed Gunnel used in conjunction with green grow tree guards, can offer a complete plant protection program. | Website | Contact |

Article: Australia597 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:agricultural, :Australia:all states, :Australia:toolkit, :Australia:weed control product
Date: 1 March 2012; 1:26:21 PM AEDT

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12