Title: The Mulloon Institute

The Mulloon Institute is a not for profit organisation set up by Antony Coote AM for the benefit of future generations - beyond our grandchildren's grandchildren. "Mi" conducts research and development focused on regenerative agriculture and regenerating the environment, both physical and social, within which agriculture operates. Mi also provides education through experiential learning on topics related to growing food. Its mission is to develop those who will lead future generations in the skills of surviving and thriving - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - using primarily the resources of nature that are available to them. | Website | Contact |

Article: Australia998 (permalink)
Categories: :Australia:organisations, :Australia:Australian Capital Territory, :Australia:New South Wales, :Australia:education
Date: 23 March 2012; 3:24:39 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid