Title: Working Bio-Holistically™ with Weeds

Working Bio-Holistically™ with life creates conditions that give us a preferred place in which to thrive. Enhancing the biological landscape in favour of desired vegetation will create an unfavourable environment for many weed or unwanted insects and reduced pesticide use.

Working Bio-Holistically is vital to environmental sustainability aiming at both prevention and rebalancing of ecosystems. The use of synthetic toxins works in a self-defeating manner by producing a system which favours more toxins. So-called 'weeds' are nature’s healers and remediators and thus naturally move into disturbed and damaged environments to help us.

The aim of Bio-Holism™ is to nurture, create and foster environments in which the talents of weeds and all life are appreciated. The focus needs be in creating what you want as opposed to what you don’t want. Thus, the focus needs to be on creating balanced, self-sustaining ecosystems in place of disturbed and damaged environments which are an open invitation to undesirable outcomes we ordinarily use pesticides to manage.

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Date: 23 January 2013; 8:35:43 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid