A stale seedbed system is based on cultivation to stimulate weed seeds to germinate and killing them by tilling or flaming before sowing the crop. Use of these methods requires an understanding of the weeds. The farmer needs to know what weeds germinate when. Some weeds like Wild Radish that will germinate continuously given the right conditions. Others like Fat hen start in spring and keep germinating until summer. Then there are weeds like Shepherds Purse that may germinate in summer. Therefore it is most important for the farmer to know what weeds he has and when they germinate.
If you are relying on timely rainfall of the season you may not have enough time to germinate the weeds. If you have water to irrigate you can help nature along. There are several machines which help with pre- sowing- planting weed management. For vegetable production the soil is tilled twice within a couple of weeks if possible depending on timing before seeding or transplanting, preferably with the Rehabilitator plough.
Manure and or other fertility inputs can be incorporated with these cultivations. The weeds are allowed to germinate and when visible can be cultivated. Machinery designed to form beds allows weeds to germinate again which can then be cultivated.
Article: CulturalWeedControl109 (permalink) Date: 9 January 2013; 4:52:52 PM AEDT