Title: Clean Farm Machinery and Vehicles

Good vehicle hygiene (regular cleaning) can reduce the risk of new infestations and weed spread. Common locations for seeds are the cabin and the engine bay.

Develop and observe a clean machinery and vehicle protocol aimed at reducing new additions to the weed seed-bank. Clean all farm machinery and vehicles before relocation. It is important to pay special attention when moving from areas and/or paddocks with high weed burdens or new incursions.

If possible, harvest paddocks in order from least weedy to most weedy, and finish clean areas in a paddock before harvesting more weedy areas. Avoid harvesting ‘patches’ of a problem weed. This will slow the spread of weeds but will still add seeds to the seed-bank.

Alternatively, it may be possible to minimise the spread by using seed collection carts, modifying header trails or collecting seed in the grain sample for later removal. Take the time to clean bins, trucks and grain handling equipment (such as augers) between paddocks or seed-lots. This is a crucial step prior to harvesting and handling grain which will be retained for sowing subsequent crops. Implement machinery cleaning standards with all harvest, baling, windrowing and grain transporting contractors.

Related Articles
Article: CulturalWeedControl68 (permalink)
Date: 8 January 2013; 2:23:25 PM AEDT

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12