Title: Organic Weed Management

The organic industry is rapidly becoming a significant player in the global agricultural production scene. With estimated annual growth of up to 20% per year, the industry is fast moving away from its “niche” industry status and into the mainstream agriculture. Multi-billion dollar organic markets are a rapidly expanding sector of the consumer market trend towards health and wellbeing.

Modern organic farming is an integrated farm management system where natural biology and balanced soils are developed to give sustainable yields without synthetic chemicals or forced growth.

Successful organic farmers design strategies to optimise the interaction between different farm activities. Close observation and understanding of biological processes, together with good management, substitute for high amounts of chemical and fertiliser inputs. Balanced biologically active soils, with enhanced organic matter content and humus formation, are the basis of sustainable organic farming. Maintaining good soil structure allows crop roots to exploit large volumes of soil for moisture, air and nutrients. Soil biological processes release nutrients for plant uptake without the use of highly soluble synthetic fertilisers.

Integrated weed control without the use of herbicides gives good results with timely management. Techniques include soil improvement, rotational cropping, controlled grazing, green manuring, pasture topping, mowing, mechanical cultivation and harrowing.

Pest and disease management also relies on an integrated approach to minimise vulnerability to pest or disease problems. Healthy balanced plant growth tends to be resilient to attack.

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Date: 24 January 2013; 8:18:42 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid