Title: Plant Life Forms

AIM: To recognise plant life forms and to find out how they help plants to become weed.

Many people think of weeds as herbs or grasses but they can also be trees, shrubs, creepers, climbers, bulbs or aquatics. Different life forms can often tell us about the sort of effects weeds have. For example, weedy trees and shrubs can cast so much shade nothing can grow underneath them. Climbers can weigh down and strangle other vegetation. Aquatic weeds can use up so much oxygen that other water creatures cannot breathe.

Some life forms of weeds include:

You should add these definitions to your weed glossary when you have time.

Look at some pictures of weeds and inspect some weeds outside. How might the life forms of these plants help them to be weeds? Complete the chart by ticking the effects you think particular life forms might have. There will probably be more than one effect for each life form.


Life Form

Takes up space

Produces heavy shade

Climbs over and strangles other plants

Clogs up waterways

Drops leaves that are poisonous to other plants

Grasses and Herbs




Creepers and Climbers


Water weeds




Bulbs, corms and tubers




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Article: WeedBuddiesContent28 (permalink)
Date: 31 January 2013; 9:15:27 PM AEDT

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12