Title: Feral GM canola is found in Western Victoria

[Ballarat Courier, 22 Sept. 2010] -- Feral GM canola weeds have been found on roadsides in Western Victoria. Canola farmer Geoff Carracher discovered the GM canola weeds and sent them to Gene Ethics for testing, and they showed up positive. Mr Carracher, from the Network of Concerned Farmers, said the GM contamination had already spread further. He said an inspection of the GM canola weeds, near Bringalbert, north of Apsley, showed some had been eaten by nearby sheep. These rogue GM plants are probably from seed spilt on the way to the GrainCorp grain dump at Lillimur last year," Mr Carraclier said. The Lillimur site was also contaminated when GM canola was dumped in a non-GM bin. The feral plants infest more than 100 metres of roadside and should be eradicated before they set seed as the GM contamination will spread." West Wimmera Shire has asked the Department of Primary Industries to clarify who is responsible to clean up, but their response is not known. In 2008, when GM canola weeds were found on roadsides near Horsham, repeated requests to the shire, Main Roads and the agriculture minister’s office got no response.

Article: WeedsNews1036 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:genetics, :WeedsNews:agricultural weed
Date: 22 September 2010; 10:59:09 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid