Title: Putting the lid on blackberry

Research shows that people learn better together, particular when facing similar problems. With this in mind, the Taskforce are convening their first Community Action Controlling Blackberry Conference. The main gist of the conference is for the various Community Action Groups to share how they are winning the battle against blackberry - sharing ideas and insights into what has and is working well within their community, and what approaches haven’t been all that successful. Also, other keynote speakers will be providing some key insights into how groups can work together with government agencies in achieving better outcomes.

If you would like more information on the conference, please contact:

Michael Reid
Executive Officer, Victorian Blackberry Taskforce
(02) 60437975

From http://www.vicblackberrytaskforce.com.au, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews1053 (permalink)
Date: 28 September 2010; 4:28:59 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid