Title: Watch out for amsinkia weed in Mt Rowan district

[Ballarat Courier 29 Sept. 2010] -- MT ROWAN landholders are being urged to watch out for the declared noxious weed amsinckia. Inspections revealed the potentially damaging weed is spreading at Mt Rowan, north of Ballarat. It is a regionally prohibited weed in the Glenelg Hopkins catchment. Department of Primary Industries staff were aware of two amsinckia infestations in the area, but a recent surveillance program found five new sites.

DPI pest management officer Malinda Godino said the weeds were discovered during surveillance of 35 properties adjoining the known infestations across 290 hectares.

"After discussions with the community we now believe there is more amsinckia in the region and we urge landholders to be vigilant and report any plants they find," Ms Godino said.

Amsinckia is a seed contaminant and has the potential to seriously threaten the grain and fodder industries if mature plants are not controlled.

It contaminates wool and the leaves can be toxic to stock, causing liver damage in severe cases.

Also known as yellow burrweed, amsinckia has yellow flowers, grows to a height of 70 centimetres, has a stem that uncurls like a fern and begins flowering in August. "The five new infestations in the Mt Rowan area vary in size and density, but there is the potential for further spread especially on properties that are cropped," Ms Godino said.

"The weed spreads by seed and is likely to have been introduced to the district as a contaminant in hay." Ms Godino said contaminated machinery and equipment would further spread amsinckia.

People who believe they know of any infestations should contact Malinda Godino at DPI Hamilton on 5573 0708.

Article: WeedsNews1054 (permalink)
Date: 29 September 2010; 11:30:18 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid