Title: Testing methods for reducing weed loads in preparation for reconstructing species-rich native grassland by direct seeding

Summary: While there have been numerous studies of the effect of a range of weed control pre-sowing techniques for agriculture, there is a limited amount of research that reports specifically on weed control for direct sowing of complex mixes of grasses and forbs for the reconstruction of temperate grassland communities in south-eastern Australia. To provide further insight into potential for controlling weeds prior to direct seeding of herb-rich temperate grasslands on highly fertile agricultural soils, this study compared the efficacy of five site preparation techniques in (i) providing a sowing surface free of standing vegetation and (ii) reducing emergence of weeds over a four month period. All treatments significantly reduced the re-emergence of the species identified in the area, showing that a range of options are available to managers seeking the best fit for the resources and goals of a particular project. Scalping, fallow and herbicide, however, was the most effective treatment combination in reducing all vegetation – as would be the goal in a full reconstruction project. While scalping would not be an appropriate treatment where retention of natives was desired, this study reinforces the value of scalping in creating a sufficiently long period of bare conditions for the germination and establishment of sown species. This reduction in weed load is likely to also increase the resistance of the new community to competition from the broad suite of weeds naturalized in these environments, potentially reducing the intensity of weed management interventions needed in the future. [Gibson-Roy, P., Moore, G. and Delpratt, J. (2010). Testing methods for reducing weed loads in preparation for reconstructing species-rich native grassland by direct seeding.Ecological Management & Restoration, 11(2) 135–139. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-8903.2010.00531.x]

Keywords: grassland restoration, weed control.

From http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews1066 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:restoration, :WeedsNews:weed control, :WeedsNews:grasslands
Date: 30 September 2010; 12:35:37 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid