Title: Aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages associated with root masses of water hyacinths, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach, 1883 (Commelinales: Pontederiaceae) in Taabo Lake, Ivory Coast
Abstract: We examined aquatic macroinvertebrates
associated with Eichhornia crassipes roots at five sampling sites in
Taabo Lake. An average density of 1644 individuals (ind.)/m2 was
recorded. In total, 68 macroinvertebrate taxa belonging to 34 families and 14
orders were identified. Among these, Insecta was predominant (77.94%). The
highest densities were recorded at Taabo cit during both rainy and dry
seasons. Taxon diversity differences were not observed among all stations
according to a Kruskal-Wallis test. High densities of predators were recorded.
Next most prevalent in the trophic structure were detritivores. Indicator taxa
analysis, using the Indval method, showed that stations upstream of the lake
were characterized by eight taxa, while 11 appeared as indicators of the station
near the dyke. Predators and herbivores dominated within those indicators. Sites
near bays were distinguished by 18 indicator taxa with a predominance of
predators and detritivores. Conductivity, NH4+,
temperature, PO43-, turbidity and dissolved oxygen were
parameters that strongly influenced the macroinvertebrate community. [M. K.
Kouame; M. Y. Dietoa; S. K. Da Costa; E. O. Edia; A.
Ouattara; G. Gourene (2010). Journal of Natural History, Volume
44, Issue 5 & 6, pages 257 - 278. DOI: