Title: USA's Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies launch newsletter
The inaugural issue of AFWA’s Invasive Species Committee newsletter has been launched. The newsletter is designed to communicate activities of the Invasive Species Committee and AFWA’s member agencies. The articles are meant to offer timely and brief updates on important invasive species issues. One of the charges of the Invasive Species Committee is to provide a national forum for coordinated action among state and federal agencies, other invasive species committees, and conservation organizations to address high‐priority invasive species issues.
To assist in coordination and communication between states and provinces, the Invasive Species Committee hopes to work directly with their invasive species coordinators to document their needs and to convey coordinated recommendations to others, particularly Capitol Hill. We would like to receive your comments and thoughts about the newsletter to help us fulfill its goal of increased communication and coordination among Invasive Species Committee members. Please let us know what you found useful and additional information you would like to see. Please send your feedback to Dr. Arpita Choudhury at achoudhury@fishwildlife.org.