Title: Federal MP praises fireweed announcement

[ABC News 8 Oct. 2010] -- Federal MP Mike Kelly has hailed a recent government decision as an important step forward in the control of fireweed in south east New South Wales.The Federal Government will now invest $300 000 in on-ground research, and the noxious plant will be considered for listing as a Weed of National Significance. Authorities have described the spread of fireweed in the Bega Valley as the worst outbreak in years, and say it can have disastrous impacts on the livestock industry. Dr Kelly is now the Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, and he says the problem needs national attention. "We can't wait until a weed becomes an out of control problem before we put it as a Weed of National Significance," he said.

"We need to include it in our management programs before it gets totally out of control, so it is very important that we raise the profile."

"The project will gather data to ensure that we can put up a good case for it to be considered as Weed of National Significance, which means it will get much closer control measures applied to it.

"There'll be obligations of course, so I shouldn't be coy about that, there will be greater obligations on people in relation to the management, reporting and control of fireweed."

From http://www.abc.net.au, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews1117 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:policy
Date: 8 October 2010; 12:42:46 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid