Title: University of Canberra PhD scholarship to work on weeds

The University of Canberra is guaranteeing to grant a full PhD scholarship to any potential PhD student with a first-class honours (from an Australian University) who wants to work on weeds and can start next year (see attached flyer). If you are interested, or know of any potential candidates who want to work on weeds, please forward on this posting to them or to any of your networks. In order to get the scholarship, students need to enroll by 31 October 2010. Potential students should contact:

Assistant Professor Paul Downey

Plant Ecology

Institute for Applied Ecology

+61 2 6201 2169


University of Canberra; ACT; 2601 Australia

UC886_IAE PhD_v4.pdf
Article: WeedsNews1137 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:education
Date: 12 October 2010; 1:03:21 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid