Title: Community awareness for aquatic invader

[By Annie Lamb, DPI Frankston] Four signs have been erected in a Keysborough housing estate to alert residents that water hyacinth, a state-prohibited weed, has been detected in the area. Earlier this year, a weed spotter reported water hyacinth growing in a wetland and the following week it was confirmed by Port Phillip East Weed Alert Contact Officer Annie Lamb. Extensive surveying took place in nearby waterways and aquariums and a second infestation was discovered in a separate wetland within the estate.

water hyacinth

Signs have been erected in Keysborough asking people to report water hyacinth

A door knock resulted in the discovery of three more backyard infestations, all of which have been removed. Approximately half a tonne of water hyacinth was removed from two separate wetlands within the estate.

This week signs have been erected in strategic locations near the two sites. It is hoped the signs, which show colour photos of water hyacinth, will encourage people to look for and report water hyacinth to DPI. The signs were made in partnership with City of Greater Dandenong and will remain in place for at least 12 months.

Article: WeedsNews122 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:aquatic weeds, :WeedsNews:community engagement, :WeedsNews:surveillance, :WeedsNews:weed control
Date: 8 September 2009; 10:19:13 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid