Title: Learn about your grasses at special field day near Ararat

[Ballarat Courier 27 Oct 2010, p29] -- LANDHOLDERS will be able to grow their grass knowledge during a special field day near Ararat next month. The day aims to increase participants’ skills in identifying introduced and native grasses and grass weed species. Department of Primary Industries senior project officer Julie Andrew said the ability to identify both useful and problem grasses was critical to decision making and farm management.

"Many graziers are able to identify common grasses from their seed heads but this session will help them identify grasses when seed heads are not available, which is usually the case in a grazed paddock," Ms Andrew said.

Presenters will outline how vegetative features can help identify commonly occurring annual grass species which reduce pasture productivity including silver grass, wild oats and bromes. Useful perennial species, both introduced and native, will also be covered during the day as participants move around the Eversley-Warrak area, east of Ararat. The event, organised by the DPI and farmer group Perennial Pasture Systems, will be held on November 5 from 1pm at Paul Harrington’s property on the Pyrenees Highway, near Ararat

For details call Julie Andrew at DPI Ararat on 5355 0526 or see events under evergraze.com.au.

Article: WeedsNews1241 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:field day, :WeedsNews:agricultural weed, :WeedsNews:grasslands, :WeedsNews:education
Date: 27 October 2010; 11:29:32 AM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid