Title: Guidelines for Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides - Weeds in Australian Forests released

The Guidelines for Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides - Weeds in Australian Forests (PDF, 246kb) have been developed in association with the forest industry to assist in providing efficacy data that supports herbicide product applications. In developing this Guideline, the APVMA inspected various forest industry field trials, with the forest Industry been represented by researchers, the agrochemical industry, government forestry, commercial forestry and agronomic consultants. During this process, both public and internal APVMA consultation has been used to develop a document that should provide some level of confidence for the forest industry that their trials, when based on this Guideline, could result in data suitable to support an application to register a herbicide for forestry situations.

This and other agricultural guidelines are available in Volume 4 of Ag MORAG.

Article: WeedsNews128 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:herbicides, :WeedsNews:forestry
Date: 28 September 2009; 12:04:06 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid