Title: New DPI on-line resource on noxious weed laws

This Noxious Weed and Pest Animal Management: Legal Booklet is one of a series of eight covering legal aspects of managing a farm:

Each booklet provides a list of the relevant legislative Acts and explains the purpose of each Act.

They have been written for land managers and primary producers. Each booklet consists of the following sections:

Key terms, acronyms and abbreviations – an explanation of some of the language and terms used throughout the booklet.

Introduction – a summary of the intention of the legislation.

Roles and responsibilities – an explanation of roles played by national, state and local governments, their agencies and farmers.

Relevant laws, guidelines and Codes – the relevant Acts, guidelines and Codes covering farm management in Victoria.

Legislation and the farmer – A table of potential situations with an explanation of a farmer's obligations or the implications under the relevant Acts in Victoria.

From http://new.dpi.vic.gov.au, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews1295 (permalink)
Date: 8 November 2010; 3:37:44 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid