Title: New Victorian noxious weeds and pest animal declarations

[DPI News 11 Oct. 2010 by John Burley, Biosecurity Victoria] -- On 1 October, new Governor in Council Orders declaring noxious weeds and pest animals, under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, were published in a special issue of the Victorian Government Gazette. The new Orders include all previously declared plant species and all previously declared animal species, except the dingo.

The previous list of declared noxious weeds has been re-declared with no changes except for a small number of updated plant names. Victoria’s Noxious Weeds Review is in its final stages and a number of new declarations will be made in the near future.

A comprehensive review of animals was undertaken to identify the animal species that threaten, or potentially threaten, Victoria. This review considered available information regarding the likelihood and consequences of establishment, and occurrences of each species in Australia, in both captivity and in the wild.

This represents the first time all noxious weed and pest animal declarations have been consolidated into one single reference point, and is the culmination of a significant body of work by staff in the Invasive Plants and Animals (IPA) program. It’s part of a process of continuous improvement for the program. The new declarations ensure better protection from, and response to, a range of high risk animal species that are not yet established in the state.

Article: WeedsNews1300 (permalink)
Date: 9 November 2010; 10:39:17 AM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid