Title: Northern Territory Mimosa management plan approved

[NT Government 15 Nov 2010] -- Minister for Natural Resources, Environment and Heritage Karl Hampton has announced the approval of the Weed Management Planfor Mimosa (Mimosa pigra). “Originating from Central and South America Mimosa pigra, is a declared weed of National Significance in Australia, introduced to the Northern Territory in the late 1800s,” Mr Hampton said. “Mimosa populations can replace native plant communities, particularly on floodplains, forming dense thickets which can damage ecosystems, reduce economic production and restrict access to country. “The Mimosa Weed Management Plan approved today makes management of this damaging pest for landholders enforceable under the Weeds Management Act.”

The plan was subject to an extensive consultation process taking place with the public and the NT Weed Advisory Committee.

The overall aim of the plan is to limit the impact of mimosa on the natural environment, the Northern Territory economy and social and cultural land uses.

The plan is focussed on preventing the spread of mimosa into new areas, eradicating mimosa in the Class A Eradication Zone and reducing the extent and density of mimosa infestations within the Class B Management Zone.

Management of isolated mimosa plants and small infestations can be relatively straightforward; however once established it can require significant management over a long period of time.

To help land managers meet their obligations, the plan includes information on a range of best management techniques and control methods, including physical and chemical control, controlled burning and hygiene procedures.

“Invasive weeds pose significant problems for our pastoral community, reducing production values and increasing land management costs,” Mr Hampton said.

“Weed management is vital for the future of our agricultural and pastoral sector, and the health of our natural environment; all sectors of the community need to all work together to manage our land better.

“My department will continue to work with local and Commonwealth Government land managers to minimise the impact of weeds on our environment and economy.”

From http://www.newsroom.nt.gov.au, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews1383 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:wons, :WeedsNews:weed control, :WeedsNews:policy
Date: 24 November 2010; 2:21:51 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid