Title: PHA launches biosecurity online training

[Tendrils 3 Dec 2010] -- Minimising the biosecurity risks posed by insects, diseases and weeds found overseas or that are new to Australia is a key focus for Australian plant industries. To assist stakeholders maintain Australia’s world-class biosecurity system that protects our agricultural and horticultural sectors, Plant Health Australia (PHA) has launched Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT). The training is a pre-requisite for anyone who is, or may become an Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) in an emergency response. Growers will also benefit from learning more about recommended biosecurity measures that can be implemented on farm and what they might expect in the event of an incursion response that affects their property.

To be effective in protecting Australia’s plant industries, all stakeholders, from growers to government, need to know where they fit in the national biosecurity system. They also require open and free access to information and a sound knowledge of their roles and responsibilities, both of which they are able to find via BOLT. Another advantage of BOLT is that it demonstrates how industries are integrally involved in responses to new pests.

Access to PHA’s BOLT is free, open to all stakeholders and can be found on the PHA website. For more information, contact Stephen on (02) 6215 7709 or via email.

Article: WeedsNews1422 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:biosecurity
Date: 3 December 2010; 4:09:31 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid