Title: Regulating invasive plants and use of weed risk assessments

Abstract: Managing the potential weed risks associated with the entry of new plant species into a country is dependent on a comprehensive regulatory system to control entry and a reliable system for predicting potential weediness in advance of release. The weed risk assessment (WRA) system developed in Australia has been used by many countries to assess weed risks. Evaluation of this system using test data sets of plants with known characteristics has shown that it performs well in identifying species that may be weedy but has a significant rate of false positives. However, the costs associated with allowing weedy species to establish and spread significantly exceed the benefits forgone by rejecting useful, non-weedy species particularly when longer time scales are considered. William Roberts, Owen Harrod, Belinda Mitterdorfer & Paul Pheloung (2010).Regulating invasive plants and use of weed risk assessments. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, article in-press, doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2010.11.007.]

Article: WeedsNews1491 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:weed risk assessments, :WeedsNews:economics
Date: 29 December 2010; 12:43:57 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid