Title: Augmented reality systems for weed economic thresholds applications.

Abstract: The augmented reality (AR) technology has applications in many fields as diverse as aeronautics, tourism, medicine, and education. In this review are summarized the current status of AR and it is proposed a new application of it in weed science. The basic algorithmic elements for AR implementation are already available to develop applications in the area of weed economic thresholds. These include algorithms for image recognition to identify and quantify weeds by species and software for herbicide selection based on weed density. Likewise, all hardware necessary for AR implementation in weed science are available at an affordable price for the user. Thus, the authors propose weed science can take a leading role integrating AR systems into weed economic thresholds software, thus, providing better opportunities for science and computer-based weed control decisions. [VIDAL, N.R. and VIDAL, R.A (2010). Augmented reality systems for weed economic thresholds applications. Planta daninha 28(2) 449-454. doi: 10.1590/S0100-83582010000200025.]

Keywords: augmented reality; weed economic thresholds; software; neural algorithms; image recognition.


Article: WeedsNews1594 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:technology, :WeedsNews:weed control
Date: 25 January 2011; 12:20:11 PM AEDT

Author Name: Leigh Warwick
Author ID: warwickl