Title: An integrated mechanical and chemical method for managing prostrate cover crops on permanent beds
Abstract: Cover crops in minimum or no-tilled systems are usually killed by applying one or more herbicides, thus significantly increasing costs. Applying herbicides at lower rates with mechanical interventions that do not disturb or bury cover crop residues can, however, reduce costs. Our objective was to develop a management system with the above-mentioned features for prostrate cover crops on permanent beds in an irrigated Vertisol. The implement developed consisted of a toolbar to which were attached spring-loaded pairs of parallel coulter discs, one set of nozzles between the individual coulter discs that directed a contact herbicide to the bed surfaces to kill the cover crop and a second set of nozzles located to direct the cheaper glyphosate to the furrow to kill weeds. The management system killed a prostrate cover crop with less trafficking, reduced the use of more toxic herbicides, carbon footprint, labor and risk to operators. Maximum depth of compaction was more but average increase was less than that with the boom sprayer control. [Hulugalle, N. R., Finlay, L. A. & Weaver, T. B. (2011). An integrated mechanical and chemical method for managing prostrate cover crops on permanent beds. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems N.R. Hulugalle, L.A. Finlay and T.B. Weaver An integrated mechanical and chemical method for managing prostrate cover crops on permanent beds. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, May 17, doi:10.1017/S1742170511000226]