Title: Monitoring manual for bitou bush control and native plant recovery
[Weeds Australia] A bitou bush manual (Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norlindh) has been produced by NSW Dept of Environment and Climate Change and outlines how to monitor the response of bitou bush and the native species at risk from bitou bush control. The manual is divided into 3 tiers (standard, advanced and research) to accommodated a range of stakeholder skills and their availability of resources (time and money). Each tier can be downloaded separately from the website, along with datasheets and how to undertake simple analysis. The methods were field tested on a wide range of stakeholders and were spent out to a range of people for comment. For more information please follow the link below.
Whilst this manual is aimed at bitou bush, specifically for ensuring implementation of the Bitou Bush Threat Abatement Plan, the manual has been made as generic as possible and applicable to other weeds that threaten biodiversity. .The Department proposes to produce a revised version for all weeds sometime in 2010.