Title: Multiple mechanisms enable invasive species to suppress native species

Abstract: Invasive plants represent a significant threat to ecosystem biodiversity. To decrease the impacts of invasive species, a major scientific undertaking of the last few decades has been aimed at understanding the mechanisms that drive invasive plant success. Most studies and theories have focused on a single mechanism for predicting the success of invasive plants and therefore cannot provide insight as to the relative importance of multiple interactions in predicting invasive species’ success. We examine four mechanisms that potentially contribute to the success of invasive velvetgrass Holcus lanatus: direct competition, indirect competition mediated by mammalian herbivores, interference competition via allelopathy, and indirect competition mediated by changes in the soil community. Using a combination of field and greenhouse approaches, we focus on the effects of H. lanatus on a common species in California coastal prairies, Erigeron glaucus, where the invasion is most intense. We found that H. lanatus had the strongest effects on E. glaucus via direct competition, but it also influenced the soil community in ways that feed back to negatively influence E. glaucus and other native species after H. lanatus removal. This approach provided evidence for multiple mechanisms contributing to negative effects of invasive species, and it identified when particular strategies were most likely to be important. These mechanisms can be applied to eradication of H. lanatus and conservation of California coastal prairie systems, and they illustrate the utility of an integrated set of experiments for determining the potential mechanisms of invasive species’ success. [Alison E. Bennett, Meredith Thomsen and Sharon Y. Strauss (2011). Multiple mechanisms enable invasive species to suppress native species. American Jounal of Botany, 98(7), 1086-1094, doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000177]

Keywords: California coastal prairie, competition, Holcus lanatus, interference competition, invasive species, mammalian herbivory, plant-soil feedbacks

From http://www.amjbot.org, see original source.

Article: WeedsNews2088 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:soil research, :WeedsNews:weed control
Date: 16 August 2011; 12:11:30 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid