Title: Allelopathic effect of actinobacterial isolates against selected weeds

Abstract: The taxonomic characteristics of weeds such as morphology of shoot, leaves, flowers, stem, fruits and seeds were recorded as Gynandropsis pentaphylla, DC, Amarantus spinosus Linn, Cyperus rotundus, Amarantus viridis Linn, Cassia occidentalis, Linn and Echinochilora orygicola. Totally 20 actinobacteria isolates were screened for herbicidal activity against the weed. Among the 20 isolates, only four actinobacterial isolates KA1-3, KA1-4, KA1-7 and KA23A showed significant herbicidal activity against C. rotundus. The herbicidal effect of actinobacterial culture filtrates on germination and seedling growth of C. rotundus was tested. The shoot and root growth of C. rotundus was severely affected when compared to control. The potent actinobacterial isolates KA1-4 and KA1-7 were characterised based on their morphological and molecular phylogenetic property and were identified as Streptomyces sp. The present study concludes that actinobacterial isolates will be used as bioherbicide against C. rotundus. Further studies are required to confirm the activity of actinobacterial isolates against C. rotundus under field conditions. [D. Dhanasekaran, K. Ambika, N. Thajuddin and A. Panneerselvam, (2011). Allelopathic effect of actinobacterial isolates against selected weeds,DOI:10.1080/03235408.2011.587988

Keywords: weeds, bioherbicide, Streptomyces Cyperus rotundus.

Original source

Article: WeedsNews2196 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:bioherbicide, :WeedsNews:research alert
Date: 8 September 2011; 10:42:56 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid