Title: Optimizing nitrogen economy under drought: increased leaf nitrogen is an acclimation to water stress in willow (Salix spp.)

Abstract: The major objective was to identify plant traits functionally important for optimization of shoot growth and nitrogen (N) economy under drought. Although increased leaf N content (area basis) has been observed in dry environments and theory predicts increased leaf N to be an acclimation to drought, experimental evidence for the prediction is rare. A pedigree of 200 full-sibling hybrid willows was pot-grown in a glasshouse in three replicate blocks and exposed to two water regimes for 3 weeks. Drought conditions were simulated as repeated periods of water shortage. The total leaf mass and area, leaf area efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf area, EA), area-based leaf N content (NA), total leaf N pool (NL) and leaf N efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf N, EN) were assessed. In the water-stress treatment, shoot biomass growth was N limited in the genotypes with low NL, but increasingly limited by other factors in the genotypes with greatest NL. The NA was increased by drought, and drought-induced shift in NA varied between genotypes (significant G × E). Judged from the EANA relationship, optimal NA was 16 % higher in the water-stress compared with the well-watered treatment. Biomass allocation to leaves and shoots varied between treatments, but the treatment response of the leaf : shoot ratio was similar across all genotypes. It is concluded that N-uptake efficiency and leaf N efficiency are important traits to improve growth under drought. Increased leaf N content (area basis) is an acclimation to optimize N economy under drought. The leaf N content is an interesting trait for breeding of willow bioenergy crops in a climate change future. In contrast, leaf biomass allocation is a less interesting breeding target to improve yield under drought. Martin Weih, Lorenzo Bonosi Luisa Ghelardini & Ann Christin Rönnberg-Wästljung (2011). Optimizing nitrogen economy under drought: increased leaf nitrogen is an acclimation to water stress in willow (Salix spp.). Annals of Botany, on-line 06 Sept, doi:10.1093/aob/mcr227]

Keywords: Biomass allocation, biomass production,drought, leaf nitrogen,plant breeding, trait functionality

Original source

Article: WeedsNews2209 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:wons, :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:genetics
Date: 12 September 2011; 10:52:42 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid