Title: Art and invasive plants explore ideas of dangerousness

[GreenMuze Monday, 19 Sept. 2011] As the division between what is native versus what is deemed an “invasive species” is becoming increasingly blurred around the globe (always excluding humans though…), visual artist Kris Verdonck highlights alien flora and fauna in a new art installation. Dubbed EXOTE, the bio-dome exhibit contains all the plants and animals that are considered to be invasive in Belgium under one roof. Held in tanks and terrariums, the EXOTE exhibit at Belgium's Z33 Gallery, features an “end of the world” theme that symbolically represents a world gone awry where it is no longer clear who or what is invasive on Earth.

EXOTE by Kris Verdonck.

EXOTE by Kris Verdonck.

EXOTE by Kris Verdonck.

EXOTE by Kris Verdonck.

In order to enter this strange dystopian world Verdonck has created, visitors are required to suit up with a lab coat, gloves and rubber boots to metaphorically protect themselves from the perceived dangers of the invasive species which include eels, parrots, bamboo, and various plants, shrubs and small trees.

EXOTE's aim is not to position itself within the scientific debate on biological invasions, but to be a metaphor to reflect on our interaction with the environment in which we live." - Kris Verdonck

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Article: WeedsNews2259 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:weed art
Date: 20 September 2011; 11:12:29 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid