Title: Weed scientists gather in Cairns to search for weed solutions

Hundreds of international scientists and land managers will gather in Cairns next week to discuss Weed Management in a Changing World – the theme of the 23rd Asian-Pacific Weeds Science Society Conference.Over the week, speakers will cover issues such as climate change, biosecurity, herbicide resistance, biological control, population growth and the utilisation of weeds in the future.Weeds cost Australian agriculture more than $4 billion dollars each year, including control costs and lost production, and also have a major impact on the natural environment. The Australian Government’s National Weeds and Productivity Research Program, managed by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC), is a key sponsor of the conference.

The Weeds Program’s Senior Research Manager Ken Moore says improving knowledge and understanding are keys to tackling this major issue.

“Research plays a vital role in developing new technologies to prevent, contain or remove weeds; management options for landholders facing weed problems; and more efficient use of available resources to enable Australia to better manage the weed challenge.

“We’re pleased to be able to support both the research being carried out in the search for weed solutions, and the strengthening of international collaboration which will occur during the conference,” Mr Moore said.

The RIRDC Weeds Program is providing around $12.4 million (GST inclusive) to more than 50 projects, which will report back in May 2012.

More information on the projects being funded is available on the RIRDC website, at www.rirdc.gov.au/weeds.

Details of the 23rd Asian-Pacific Weeds Science Society Conference are available at www.apwss2011.com

Article: WeedsNews2289 (permalink)
Date: 27 September 2011; 10:05:47 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid