Title: The Weed Society of Victoria sponsors The Weed's Network
The Weed Society of Victoria is an organisation for people interested in any aspect of weeds. This might include: terrestrial or aquatic weeds; the biology, ecology, and management of weeds; their place in the environment; their benefits and uses; or their place in history and art. There is no restriction on Membership of the Society; if you have an active interest in any aspect of weeds, then the Weed Society of Victoria is the place for you. This sponsorship announcement is also a reminder that the Weed Society of Victoria will host the 18th Australasian Weeds Conference at the Sebel and Citigate Albert Park, 8-11 October 2012. The theme of the conference is Developing Solutions to Evolving Weed Problems and the call for abstracts will close at the end of November.
To find out more visit the web site www.18awc.com for the conference themes, how to submit an abstract, keynote speakers, early bird registrations, Wednesday’s field trips and a list of our sponsors (The Weed's Network is sponsoring the conference's Internet Cafe). Poster and oral presentations will be accepted, please get your abstracts for both in on time.