Title: The effect of label information on U.S. farmers’ herbicide choices

Abstract: This paper analyzes the effect of labeling information on U.S. farmers’ herbicide choices. Herbicide choices reported by U.S. soybean farmers are used to estimate farmer preferences for different herbicide attributes using a mixed logit model. Our results indicate that statements displayed on pesticide labels regarding risks to human health and the environment are important components in herbicide selection. We find that farmers are willing to pay an average of $27 per acre to avoid using an herbicide labeled with the word “Warning” and $38 per acre to avoid using an herbicide labeled with the word “Danger.” [Hasing, Tomas, Carpio, Carlos E., Willis, David B., Sydorovych, Olha & Marra, Michele (2012). The effect of label information on U.S. farmers’ herbicide choices. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 41(2), 200-214.] [Photo: pesticidestewardship.org]

Keywords: mixed logit model, WTP to avoid human and environmental risk

Full-text available here

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Article: WeedsNews3719 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:economics, :WeedsNews:research alert, :WeedsNews:health, :WeedsNews:herbicides
Date: 10 September 2012; 9:42:16 PM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid