Title: Techniques to overcome weed issues in organic wheat

Abstract: From the last two decades, demand for organic bread cereals has developed fast throughout Europe (Willer et al., 2008). The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time throughout the emergence of different sale channels. Requirements from processors and consumers on quality and safety are getting higher for organic bread wheat. Even though European countries` consumption varies, quality requirements on baking value, nutritional aspects and safety risk are quite common. To respond to the domestic demand from Western European countries, organic bread wheat production has to be developed by new conversion and yield improvement while quality could be improved by agronomical and technological methods. Nitrogen deficiency and weed infestation are the main limiting factors for wheat grain yield and grain protein content (Casagrande et al., 2009). Moreover, mycotoxin is often considered to impair sanitary quality of grain. The overall objective of AGTEC-Org was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of organic wheat and flour. The findings will contribute to an enhanced baking quality and nutritional value of organic flour, as well as the prevention of mycotoxin contamination to fulfil consumers’ expectations of providing safe and healthy products. The project involved 9 research centres or universities from 5 European countries for a total budget of about 1.5 million €. This leaflet summarizes the relevant information of the AGTEC-Org project on three main agronomical techniques to improve organic wheat quality which are (i) reduced tillage, (ii) organic fertilization, use of cover crop and green manure, and (iii) association with legumes. [ Celette, Abecassis, Carcea, Dubois, Friedel, Hellou, Jeuffroy, Mäder,& Thomsen, (2012). Techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality. ISARA - Institut supérieure de l'agriculture Lyon, Lyon, France.] [Photo caption: Undersowing legumes benefits the soil.] ${imageDescription} Comment

Keywords: CORE Organic, AGTEC, organic wheat, Mycotoxin, grain quality

Original source

Article: WeedsNews3877 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:agricultural weed, :WeedsNews:beneficial weeds, :WeedsNews:cover crop, :WeedsNews:intercropping, :WeedsNews:organic farming, :WeedsNews:research alert
Date: 18 October 2012; 12:53:35 PM AEDT

Author Name: Zheljana Peric
Author ID: zper12