Title: Process for assessing new Australian Weeds of National Significance candidates
Abstract: Sixteen weeds were nominated as new Australian Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) candidates. The nominations were assessed against a number of criteria covering technical and policy considerations. The technical assessment was carried out using the revised WoNS prioritisation methodology. As part of the technical assessment a combination of risk models were tested in consultation with a range of experts in weed risk assessment. The different models showed consistent results in identifying the top ranking weeds and low ranking weeds, regardless of the scoring model used. The combination of using the revised WoNS prioritisation methodology, consultation with the jurisdictions, and policy considerations, formed a comprehensive and transparent assessment process. The process resulted in the selection of 12 new WoNS to be added to Australia’s ‘worst weed’ list. ${imageDescription} Comment
Keywords: Assessment, methodology, Weeds of National Significance.