Title: New agreement with CRC will boost biosecurity efforts in Australia
[CABI Ezine, May 2010] The Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) is strengthening its network of international partnerships, becoming a Supporting Participant of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for National Plant Biosecurity, Australia. Chief Executive Dr Trevor Nicholls signed the agreement with CRC’s Chairman, Professor John Lovett, during the Global Biosecurity 2010 Conference, held in Brisbane in March 2010.
L to R: Professor John Lovett and Dr Trevor Nicholls
'Biosecurity is a major issue, and one that needs to be tackled on a global basis, through partnership and collaboration,’ said Dr Nicholls. ‘By helping the world lose less of what it already grows, we can have a major impact on food security. Through this new agreement with CRC we will play a part in helping Australia’s agricultural industries and environmental organizations prevent the spread of plant diseases and invasive species in their country. In return, we will gain an authoritative contributor to CABI’s global database of plant health.’
‘The CRC for National Plant Biosecurity was established in 2005 to foster scientific collaboration and engage stakeholders to deliver plant biosecurity technologies that will reduce risk to, and ensure sustainability of, Australia's plant industries. It coordinates plant biosecurity research across all Australian states and territories, drawing on a collaborative network of researchers and educators from a wide variety of organisations.
‘CABI will be a valuable partner in the CRC, providing international linkages that are so important in collaborative research activities,’ said Professor Lovett.