Title: Weeds are telling us something. Are we listening?

Weeds are something that most farmers have to deal with. Using herbicides has shown to only address the symptom, not the cause. There seems to be a trend caused by this, with weeds coming back worse every year and farmers having to do more and pay more to control them. In this podcast Soils for Life are exploring a paradigm shift to an ecological systems approach to weeds with agroecologist Sarah Fea. Sarah visits four farmers to understand their changing relationship to the plants we call weeds, including a grazier, a seed producer, a farmer who has enlisted the help of goats, and another who has developed no kill cropping. The podcast takes a fresh look at weeds and how we can benefit from seeing them through a different lens. You will hear how specific weeds germinate to heal damaged soils, showing us what the soil needs and, to our benefit, how we can help them heal our soil. African lovegrass


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Categories: :WeedsNews:beneficial weeds, :WeedsNews:podcast, :WeedsNews:non-chemical control, :wra:African lovegrass
Date: 26 January 2023; 1:04:48 PM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid