Title: Rothamsted Scientist to receive top award from the Royal Agricultural Society of England
UK Weed Scientist, Dr Stephen Moss will be presented with the prestigious RASE Technology Award at the Royal Show Charity Dinner on Tuesday 7th July.The award recognises those who have developed a product or process that makes a big impact in changing agricultural practice. The Rothamsted Rapid Resistance Test, developed by Dr Moss and his team, provides a simple method of diagnosing resistance to herbicides in arable weeds. It has been used extensively in practice in the UK and overseas and has had a major impact on weed control in agriculture.
Dr Moss has worked at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden for the past 19 years, having worked there previously from 1972 to 75. He said "I am honoured to receive such an important award, especially one that is dedicated to recognising science that has had a major influence on the practice of agriculture. I am very lucky to have worked with an excellent team of scientists over the years and this is also recognises their contribution."
Stephen Moss
Professor Ian Crute said "This is well-deserved recognition for a scientist who has always taken an industry-oriented view of his science. In the UK arable crops industry he is probably Rothamsted's best-known practising scientist and hugely appreciated for his work on blackgrass resistance management."
Rothamsted Research, an Institute of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, is based on Hertfordshire and is one of the largest agricultural research institutes in the country.