Title: The forever war on 'non-native' plants

[A summary from Conservation Sense and Nonsense 9 Sept 2024] -- Conservation Sense and Nonsense began in 2010 to defend urban forests in the San Francisco Bay Area that were being destroyed because they are predominantly 'non-native'. Conservation Sense and Nonsense shifted the focus toward the science that informed opposition to that destruction.

Since 2010, Conservation Sense and Nonsense have learned more about the ideology of invasion biology that spawned the native plant movement and the “restoration” industry that attempts to eradicate 'non-native' plants and trees, usually using herbicides. We have read scores of books and studies that find little scientific evidence in support of the hypotheses of invasion biology. We have studied the dangers of pesticides and the growing body of evidence of the damage they do to the environment and all life.

California's Invasive Spartina Project is one of many “restoration” projects that have been applying herbicides for 20 years or more. And the Invasive Spartina Project has secured State funding to continue spraying herbicides for another 10 years. Spraying herbicides on public lands has created stable, life-long employment for an army of weed warriors.

In California, virtually all (89%) of herbicide applicators are spraying herbicides in “natural areas”—which we assume are wildlands—where no attempt has been made to plant native plants. Most projects are more destructive than they are constructive. Nearly 50% of herbicide applicators are spraying in public parks. 70% of herbicide applicators spray in “restoration areas,” presumably to sustain the native plants that were planted. If they are using non-selective herbicides, such as glyphosate and imazapyr, they are probably killing native plants too.

Cal-IPC’s survey of “restoration” practitioners confirms our observations of their efforts in the past 25 years in the San Francisco Bay Area:

Read the entire article here

Article: WeedsNews6174 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:recreational impacts, :WeedsNews:restoration, :WeedsNews:prevention, :WeedsNews:reserves, :WeedsNews:biological control
Date: 28 September 2024; 9:33:38 AM AEST

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid