Title: The real facts on the red fire ant program in Australia

Vast areas of Queensland are being poisoned and damaged by the failed red fire ant eradication program. The ant cannot be eradicated with pesticides. Thousands of residents are protesting the imposed poisoning in Queensland. Fire ant pesticide applicators are now being accompanied by armed police officers in an effort to bully residents into submission.

Professor Joshua King is one of the world's most respected experts on fire ant management. Attached is an open letter explaining the facts you will not hear from the Invasive Species Council or Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Professor Kings says, "Of particular concern is that the widespread and prophylactic use of toxic broadcast baits may impact non-target ants (both pyriproxyfen and (S)-methoprene are insect growth regulators) as none of the bait products in use are fire ant specific."

”Reduction of native ant communities has repeatedly been shown to be a factor in hastening, not slowing, the invasion of fire ants as any potential biotic resistance is removed, and fire ants are especially good at dispersing into ant-free successional habitats."

"Underlying the entire eradication program, as currently being carried out, seems to be the assumption that eradication is feasible and ultimately justifies the methods being used to attempt to eradicate and prevent further invasion of Australia by the fire ant. It is very important to note that, in the face of ongoing introductions, no eradication program has ever succeeded in preventing fire ant establishment and spread over larger areas and longer time spans."

Key Findings:

Alternative RIFA management in AUS JR King.pdf
Ants from up here pic.jpg
Article: WeedsNews6271 (permalink)
Categories: :WeedsNews:red fire ants, :WeedsNews:insecticides
Date: 7 October 2024; 9:54:19 AM AEDT

Author Name: David Low
Author ID: adminDavid